9H Research - University of Wyoming

Built a 500kW, 5-acre solar research facility for the benefit of UW students.
The revenue from the 30-year life of the solar farm will directly fund student internships, projects, competitions, and scholarships.


9H Research Foundation is a non-profit providing funding to students for real-world practical projects, scholarships, internships, awards, competitions, and prototype building.

In addition to the traditional college education, we want to give students opportunities to work on real-world projects that private companies are willing to pay for. This is the best way to prepare students for a competitive career in Wyoming’s industries. In the last two years, 9H has funded $50,000+ worth of UW student awards, internships, competitions, prototypes, projects, and scholarships.

As a hub for innovation, 9H engages students with paid practical projects & internships that elevate their real-world marketability and bolsters their professional skills. Our latest 9H SmartRanch™ Drone Agricultural Project has 4 UW interns using drone technology to identify and eradicate noxious weeds (special thanks to CEAS, WYGISC, and the Wyoming Workforce Development Training Fund). With student input via senior design projects and energy competitions, the 9H Research Foundation has built a 500kW, 5-acre solar research facility for the benefit of UW; the power sold from the 30-year life of the solar farm will directly fund UW students.

9H RESEARCH Foundation

Our Team

We are a passionate group of established corporate leaders, academics, researchers and students with a shared passion for helping students bolster their professional skills and achieve their career ambitions.